We Are Open!

Carpenter-Carse Library is open for browsing!

As of June 16, we are no longer requiring an appointment, but we will limit capacity to 12 people at a time for 1/2 hour browsing or 1 hour computer visits. If you are fully vaccinated, WE ARE STILL ASKING YOU TO PLEASE WEAR A MASK, particularly because we aim to be a safe space for people of all ages, and a big part of our library visitor population can’t yet get vaccinated.

Some notes:

1)      Capacity in the library will be limited to twelve (12) visitors at a time in the main library. This number does not include staff working in the library.

2)      If you show up and we are at capacity, you may have to wait until there is space for a visit.

3)      Regardless of your vaccination statues, we ask that you wear a mask covering the nose and mouth.

4)      Library visits will be limited to half an hour, with the exception of computer users, who will continue to have timed, one-hour computer access.

We look forward to sharing this space with you, please help us keep it a safe space for everyone in our community by wearing a mask.

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