Saturday Family Playtime
10:00 AM10:00

Saturday Family Playtime

Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us in the library community room every Saturday morning for play time and socializing. Coffee and tea will be provided for adults, and families can browse for books afterwards. Library staff will provide a rotating selection of activities and play themes. No registration required.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Weekly Storytime
9:30 AM09:30

Weekly Storytime

Join the fun and learning on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM for picture books, songs, movement, and rhymes that are designed to promote early language, fine motor, and pre-literacy skills in a friendly environment!  Each week we will finish up Storytime with snacks, coffee for the adults, a simple craft or sensory activity, and book browsing. Storytime is designed for babies, toddlers, and preschool/kindergarten aged children and their caregivers, and no registration is required.

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Dungeons and Dragons Club
3:00 PM15:00

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Each week Devin Morrill works with students in grades 3-8 in learning the basics of Dungeons and Dragons, including character creation, understanding game mechanics, and how to work together to create and play in their own campaigns. The program also provides a space for these kids to form their own groups, giving them the tools and confidence to continue playing and developing their own adventures together. Currently this club is full, but beginners and experienced players are welcome to contact Jen with any questions and to join the waitlist.

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Folk Jam: Live Music With SongFarmers of Hinesburg
6:00 PM18:00

Folk Jam: Live Music With SongFarmers of Hinesburg

Do you play an acoustic instrument or just love to sing along to old time, blues, country, and folk music? Come join the SongFarmers during their monthly gathering and participate in this wonderful live music offering. Listeners also welcome. Free and open to the public in the library’s community room, or outdoors as weather allows.

No registration required. Contact with any questions.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Weekly Storytime
9:30 AM09:30

Weekly Storytime

Join the fun and learning on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM for picture books, songs, movement, and rhymes that are designed to promote early language, fine motor, and pre-literacy skills in a friendly environment!  Each week we will finish up Storytime with snacks, coffee for the adults, a simple craft or sensory activity, and book browsing. Storytime is designed for babies, toddlers, and preschool/kindergarten aged children and their caregivers, and no registration is required.

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Gather Book Discussion
7:00 PM19:00

Gather Book Discussion

Stop by the library for your FREE copy of Gather, courtesy of Vermont Humanities. After you've read it we invite you to come and share your thoughts. A trained facilitator will lead us in what is sure to be an engaging and enlightening discussion about the book and its themes. All opinions are welcome, regardless of whether you loved it or loathed it. The Hinesburg Community Resource Center will also be there to share information about their programs. Light refreshments will be provided. No registration required, but email Alex with questions.

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Dungeons and Dragons Club
3:00 PM15:00

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Each week Devin Morrill works with students in grades 3-8 in learning the basics of Dungeons and Dragons, including character creation, understanding game mechanics, and how to work together to create and play in their own campaigns. The program also provides a space for these kids to form their own groups, giving them the tools and confidence to continue playing and developing their own adventures together. Currently this club is full, but beginners and experienced players are welcome to contact Jen with any questions and to join the waitlist.

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Meet Elia the Therapy Dog
2:00 PM14:00

Meet Elia the Therapy Dog

Elia the trained therapy dog will be joining us once a month to meet with patrons of all ages. Engaging with a therapy dog has been shown to have many physical and emotional benefits. Stop by to visit with Elia and bring some calm and relaxation to your day, she’d love to meet you! No registration required, but email Alex with questions.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Weekly Storytime
9:30 AM09:30

Weekly Storytime

Join the fun and learning on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM for picture books, songs, movement, and rhymes that are designed to promote early language, fine motor, and pre-literacy skills in a friendly environment!  Each week we will finish up Storytime with snacks, coffee for the adults, a simple craft or sensory activity, and book browsing. Storytime is designed for babies, toddlers, and preschool/kindergarten aged children and their caregivers, and no registration is required.

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STEM Book Club
3:00 PM15:00

STEM Book Club

This monthly after-school book club is for mid-grade readers (grades 3-5, but we are happy to talk about including other ages) who want to see what it’s like to be part of a regular book club, especially one with a really fun topic! We will read a new STEM themed book each month, then get together for snacks and discussion. To reserve your spot in the book club and receive  a copy of this month’s book, email

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The Power of Landscape with M. T. Anderson
7:00 PM19:00

The Power of Landscape with M. T. Anderson

Now that Vermont is reviewing Act 250—legislation that has done so much to create a unique rural landscape in our state—it’s worth asking what we value in landscape in the first place. Why are inhospitable mountains beautiful? What’s actually attractive about a ruined barn? New York Times Bestselling author M. T. Anderson considers the politics of beautiful scenery and the hidden national longings behind our sense of landscape. He’ll look at the history of our attitudes toward landscape, traditional New England landscape painting, and the work of some contemporary Vermont artists to discuss how different societies have found the sublime in their surroundings—and what that might mean for us in the future. No registration required, but email Alex with questions.

The Power of Landscape is a Vermont Humanities Council program hosted by Carpenter-Carse Library. (Supported in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of the NEH or VHC.)

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Dungeons and Dragons Club
3:00 PM15:00

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Each week Devin Morrill works with students in grades 3-8 in learning the basics of Dungeons and Dragons, including character creation, understanding game mechanics, and how to work together to create and play in their own campaigns. The program also provides a space for these kids to form their own groups, giving them the tools and confidence to continue playing and developing their own adventures together. Currently this club is full, but beginners and experienced players are welcome to contact Jen with any questions and to join the waitlist.

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Middle School Book Club
5:30 PM17:30

Middle School Book Club

We invite middle school students who are interested in reading and discussing all kinds of books (chapter books, memoirs, graphic novels) that are generally geared toward students in grades 6-8. Students will receive each month’s  book from the library then meet on the fourth Thursday (November and December meetings will be held on the third Thursday) of the month to engage in a fun discussion, eat snacks, hang out with friends, and decide what to read next! Email Jen with any questions and to sign up for this book club and receive the first book.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Weekly Storytime
9:30 AM09:30

Weekly Storytime

Join the fun and learning on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM for picture books, songs, movement, and rhymes that are designed to promote early language, fine motor, and pre-literacy skills in a friendly environment!  Each week we will finish up Storytime with snacks, coffee for the adults, a simple craft or sensory activity, and book browsing. Storytime is designed for babies, toddlers, and preschool/kindergarten aged children and their caregivers, and no registration is required.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Weekly Storytime
9:30 AM09:30

Weekly Storytime

Join the fun and learning on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM for picture books, songs, movement, and rhymes that are designed to promote early language, fine motor, and pre-literacy skills in a friendly environment!  Each week we will finish up Storytime with snacks, coffee for the adults, a simple craft or sensory activity, and book browsing. Storytime is designed for babies, toddlers, and preschool/kindergarten aged children and their caregivers, and no registration is required.

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Seasonal Salads with Trillium Hill Farm
7:00 PM19:00

Seasonal Salads with Trillium Hill Farm

Join local farmers, Sara and James, from Trillium Hill Farm as they discuss the history of their farm and some of their farming practices. They’ll highlight their winter growing techniques and share some of their delicious salad greens and early winter crops with us in the form of a salad bar. No registration required, but email Alex with questions.

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Adopt-A-Shelter-Pet Day Puppy Party
2:00 PM14:00

Adopt-A-Shelter-Pet Day Puppy Party

To help bring awareness to National Adopt-A-Shelter-Pet Day, we are having an after school Puppy Adoption Party (the stuffie kind of course)! Kids ages 4-9 can sign up to hear a story about pet adoption, have a puppy themed snack, and choose their own puppy stuffie to take home. Every participant can also make a new collar for their puppy and decorate a pet carrier. This event is free and space is limited. Email Jen to sign up.

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Habitat for Humanity Hinesburg Development Info Session
7:00 PM19:00

Habitat for Humanity Hinesburg Development Info Session

April is Fair Housing Month and the perfect time to learn about the new Habitat for Humanity project that will begin construction this spring on Mechanicsville Rd. Representatives from Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity will join us to share how you can get involved with the project as a homeowner or a volunteer. No registration required, but email Alex with questions.

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Middle School Book Club
5:30 PM17:30

Middle School Book Club

We invite middle school students who are interested in reading and discussing all kinds of books (chapter books, memoirs, graphic novels) that are generally geared toward students in grades 6-8. Students will receive each month’s  book from the library then meet on the fourth Thursday (November and December meetings will be held on the third Thursday) of the month to engage in a fun discussion, eat snacks, hang out with friends, and decide what to read next! Email Jen with any questions and to sign up for this book club and receive the first book.

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Dungeons and Dragons Club
3:00 PM15:00

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Kids in grades 3-8 are invited to join Devin Morrill in playing Dungeons and Dragons every Thursday after school! Participants will build skills around character creation, understanding game mechanics, and how to work together to create and play in their own campaigns. Additionally, the program will provide a space for these kids to form their own groups, giving them the tools and confidence to continue playing and developing their own adventures together. Beginners and experienced players are welcome. Contact Jen with any questions and to reserve your spot.

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VEEP Home Heat Transfer Community Workshop
7:00 PM19:00

VEEP Home Heat Transfer Community Workshop

How can we use less energy to heat our homes yet still keep them warm in winter? In this Vermont Energy Education Program interactive workshop participants will learn how insulation and air sealing save energy and money while keeping your home warmer. We’ll also learn how to take advantage of local weatherization initiatives. Registration required. Please email or stop by the library to register.

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Weekly Storytime
9:30 AM09:30

Weekly Storytime

Join the fun and learning on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM for picture books, songs, movement, and rhymes that are designed to promote early language, fine motor, and pre-literacy skills in a friendly environment!  Each week we will finish up Storytime with snacks, coffee for the adults, a simple craft or sensory activity, and book browsing. Storytime is designed for babies, toddlers, and preschool/kindergarten aged children and their caregivers, and no registration is required.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Second Annual Teddy Bear Tea Party
11:00 AM11:00

Second Annual Teddy Bear Tea Party

 Children aged 2-7 and their bears (or other favorite snuggly animal or doll) are invited to dress in their finest tea party garb and join us in the community room for stories, tea and cookies, and a Spring craft on Saturday, March, 23rd at 11-12:00. Parents can register their children for this special event by contacting, and parents with children under 5 years old should plan to accompany their child to the tea party.

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Seed Start Workshop with Susan Lepple
7:00 PM19:00

Seed Start Workshop with Susan Lepple

We’re dreaming of spring at CCL! Come and learn how easy it is to start your own seeds and begin planning your own garden from scratch. Susan Lepple will cover the basics of seed starting and planning a successful garden. Novices to experienced gardeners are invited to attend with questions. Registration required and enrollment is limited. Please email or stop by the library to register.

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Dungeons and Dragons Club
3:00 PM15:00

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Kids in grades 3-8 are invited to join Devin Morrill in playing Dungeons and Dragons every Thursday after school! Participants will build skills around character creation, understanding game mechanics, and how to work together to create and play in their own campaigns. Additionally, the program will provide a space for these kids to form their own groups, giving them the tools and confidence to continue playing and developing their own adventures together. Beginners and experienced players are welcome. Contact Jen with any questions and to reserve your spot.

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STEM Book Club
3:00 PM15:00

STEM Book Club

This monthly after-school book club is for mid-grade readers (grades 3-5, but we are happy to talk about including other ages) who want to see what it’s like to be part of a regular book club, especially one with a really fun topic! We will read a new STEM themed book each month, then get together for snacks and discussion. To reserve your spot in the book club and receive  a copy of this month’s book, email

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Weekly Storytime
9:30 AM09:30

Weekly Storytime

Join the fun and learning on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM for picture books, songs, movement, and rhymes that are designed to promote early language, fine motor, and pre-literacy skills in a friendly environment!  Each week we will finish up Storytime with snacks, coffee for the adults, a simple craft or sensory activity, and book browsing. Storytime is designed for babies, toddlers, and preschool/kindergarten aged children and their caregivers, and no registration is required.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Saturday Family Playtime
10:00 AM10:00

Saturday Family Playtime

Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us in the library community room every Saturday morning for play time and socializing. Coffee and tea will be provided for adults, and families can browse for books afterwards. Library staff will provide a rotating selection of activities and play themes. No registration required.

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Dungeons and Dragons Club
3:00 PM15:00

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Kids in grades 3-8 are invited to join Devin Morrill in playing Dungeons and Dragons every Thursday after school! Participants will build skills around character creation, understanding game mechanics, and how to work together to create and play in their own campaigns. Additionally, the program will provide a space for these kids to form their own groups, giving them the tools and confidence to continue playing and developing their own adventures together. Beginners and experienced players are welcome. Contact Jen with any questions and to reserve your spot.

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The Many Meanings of Maple
6:00 PM18:00

The Many Meanings of Maple

Celebrate sugaring season by learning about the history and culture of maple sugaring in our state. Maple is enormously important to Vermont’s economy, ecology, and heritage. Champlain College professor Michael Lange will discuss sugaring ethnographically, based on over five years of research among sugarmakers all over the state, to learn from them what sugaring really means to Vermont. A Vermont Humanities series hosted by Carpenter-Carse Library. No registration required, maple snacks will be served. Email Alex with any questions. 

Supported in part by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and Vermont Humanities. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this program do not necessarily represent those of the NEH or Vermont Humanities.

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Weekly Storytime
9:30 AM09:30

Weekly Storytime

Join the fun and learning on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM for picture books, songs, movement, and rhymes that are designed to promote early language, fine motor, and pre-literacy skills in a friendly environment!  Each week we will finish up Storytime with snacks, coffee for the adults, a simple craft or sensory activity, and book browsing. Storytime is designed for babies, toddlers, and preschool/kindergarten aged children and their caregivers, and no registration is required.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Saturday Family Playtime
10:00 AM10:00

Saturday Family Playtime

Young children and their caregivers are invited to join us in the library community room every Saturday morning for play time and socializing. Coffee and tea will be provided for adults, and families can browse for books afterwards. Library staff will provide a rotating selection of activities and play themes. No registration required.

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Folk Jam: Live Music With SongFarmers of Hinesburg
6:00 PM18:00

Folk Jam: Live Music With SongFarmers of Hinesburg

Do you play an acoustic instrument or just love to sing along to old time, blues, country, and folk music? Come join the SongFarmers during their monthly gathering and participate in this wonderful live music offering. Listeners also welcome. Free and open to the public in the library’s community room, or outdoors as weather allows.

No registration required. Contact with any questions.

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Dungeons and Dragons Club
3:00 PM15:00

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Kids in grades 3-8 are invited to join Devin Morrill in playing Dungeons and Dragons every Thursday after school! Participants will build skills around character creation, understanding game mechanics, and how to work together to create and play in their own campaigns. Additionally, the program will provide a space for these kids to form their own groups, giving them the tools and confidence to continue playing and developing their own adventures together. Beginners and experienced players are welcome. Contact Jen with any questions and to reserve your spot.

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After-School Craft Club, Wednesdays 3/5-3/26 2-3:15
2:00 PM14:00

After-School Craft Club, Wednesdays 3/5-3/26 2-3:15

If you love Harry Potter or other stories about magic and castles, this is the after-school club for you! Kids in grades 1-5 can sign up for this fun four week club where everyone will make their own mini Hogwarts School (or another kind of castle) using cardboard boxes, found objects, and papier mache. Local art educator Peg Jarvis will be on hand to help participants upcycle a variety of materials to create their designs and make mini characters/puppets to inhabit their castles. Email with questions and to reserve your spot!

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Weekly Storytime
9:30 AM09:30

Weekly Storytime

Join the fun and learning on Tuesdays at 9:30 AM for picture books, songs, movement, and rhymes that are designed to promote early language, fine motor, and pre-literacy skills in a friendly environment!  Each week we will finish up Storytime with snacks, coffee for the adults, a simple craft or sensory activity, and book browsing. Storytime is designed for babies, toddlers, and preschool/kindergarten aged children and their caregivers, and no registration is required.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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