Filtering by: Adult Programming
Hands and Needles
10:00 AM10:00

Hands and Needles

Gather for a morning of creativity and conversation! Bring whatever project you are working on — quilting, knitting, embroidery, etc.

The program will meet in the library’s community room, though may meet outside if weather allows. No registration required.

Reach out to with any questions.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Folk Jam: Live Music With SongFarmers of Hinesburg
6:00 PM18:00

Folk Jam: Live Music With SongFarmers of Hinesburg

Do you play an acoustic instrument or just love to sing along to old time, blues, country, and folk music? Come join the SongFarmers during their monthly gathering and participate in this wonderful live music offering. Listeners also welcome. Free and open to the public in the library’s community room, or outdoors as weather allows.

No registration required. Contact with any questions.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Senior Meetup
1:00 PM13:00

Senior Meetup

Do you remember rotary phones? Cigarette smoke in diners? Bike riding without helmets? The Ed Sullivan Show? 8-Track Tapes? Then this meetup is for you. Come gather and talk, schmooze and kvetch, share and laugh with other seniors. Coffee and tea will be provided. No registration required.

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Being a Friend in Grief: An Informative Workshop for Times of Hardship
7:00 PM19:00

Being a Friend in Grief: An Informative Workshop for Times of Hardship

Grief is universal. Grief is personal. And it can be overwhelming. How can we show up for people enduring loss? What can we say? What can we do? What kind of support is actually beneficial? Join local doula/author Francesca Arnoldy for this interactive workshop. We’ll discuss the language of grief, including what to say and phrases to avoid, and how to offer emotional care and practical assistance to the bereaved with sensitivity, no matter the type of loss. Registration is required and spots are limited. Email or stop by the library to register.

*This is not a mental health training or grief support group--it is a community education event meant to help increase our courage, confidence, and connections as friends, loved ones, and neighbors.

Bio: Francesca Lynn Arnoldy is a community doula and hospice volunteer. She is the author of Cultivating the Doula Heart (a guidebook), Map of Memory Lane (a picture book), and The Death Doula's Guide to Living Fully and Dying Prepared (a workbook). Francesca is a published researcher with the Vermont Conversation Lab and she runs a training program for death literacy specialists. A trusted thought leader, Francesca has been featured in articles by The New York Times, Fast Company, Newsweek, The Verge, and AARP. She regularly presents on life-and-death topics with hopes of encouraging people to support one another through times of intensity. You can find her contemplating birth, death, and life with the doula heart at

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Hands and Needles
10:00 AM10:00

Hands and Needles

Gather for a morning of creativity and conversation! Bring whatever project you are working on — quilting, knitting, embroidery, etc.

The program will meet in the library’s community room, though may meet outside if weather allows. No registration required.

Reach out to with any questions.

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Hands and Needles
10:00 AM10:00

Hands and Needles

Gather for a morning of creativity and conversation! Bring whatever project you are working on — quilting, knitting, embroidery, etc.

The program will meet in the library’s community room, though may meet outside if weather allows. No registration required.

Reach out to with any questions.

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Folk Jam: Live Music With SongFarmers of Hinesburg
6:00 PM18:00

Folk Jam: Live Music With SongFarmers of Hinesburg

Do you play an acoustic instrument or just love to sing along to old time, blues, country, and folk music? Come join the SongFarmers during their monthly gathering and participate in this wonderful live music offering. Listeners also welcome. Free and open to the public in the library’s community room, or outdoors as weather allows.

No registration required. Contact with any questions.

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Community Storytelling Event
6:00 PM18:00

Community Storytelling Event

We invite you to come and listen as neighbors and fellow Vermonters share their true, spellbinding, and reflective narratives with the community. Vermont resident, Samara Anderson, is working toward the ambitious goal of hosting a storytelling event at every public library in the state. This creative endeavor began in May of 2024 and will continue until all of the 185 Vermont public libraries have hosted one of her storytelling events. These performances are amazing ways to bring communities together to enjoy the creative and vulnerable act of storytelling. Suggested admission will be a donation of a non perishable food item for the HCRC Food Shelf. No registration required but contact with questions.
We're currently looking for storytellers to participate in this event. Stories must be true, first person accounts, that are between 5 and 7 minutes in length. Interested in sharing a story? Please contact Samara Anderson at First time storytellers are encouraged and welcome!

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The Life of Ira Allen with Author Kevin Graffagnino
7:00 PM19:00

The Life of Ira Allen with Author Kevin Graffagnino

Vermont historian and author, Kevin Graffagnino, will discuss the life of Ira Allen as told in his new book, “Ira Allen: A Biography”. No registration required.

“Land speculator, revolutionary, pamphleteer, politician, and empire-builder, Ira Allen was a key figure on the late eighteenth-century Green Mountain frontier. Based on his new book Ira Allen: A Biography, J. Kevin Graffagnino’s lively talk evaluates Allen’s checkered career and makes the case for including him in our picture of Vermont’s formative decades.”

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Hands and Needles
10:00 AM10:00

Hands and Needles

Gather for a morning of creativity and conversation! Bring whatever project you are working on — quilting, knitting, embroidery, etc.

The program will meet in the library’s community room, though may meet outside if weather allows. No registration required.

Reach out to with any questions.

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Mindfulness Workshop with Peggy Dippen
7:00 PM19:00

Mindfulness Workshop with Peggy Dippen

What is mindfulness? How is it cultivated? Why is it important? If you are curious about learning the answers to these questions and understanding the nature of reality more fully, then please join other curious people for this enlightening and engaging workshop with Peggy Dippen. Registration required, email or stop by the library to register.

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Hands and Needles
10:00 AM10:00

Hands and Needles

Gather for a morning of creativity and conversation! Bring whatever project you are working on — quilting, knitting, embroidery, etc.

The program will meet in the library’s community room, though may meet outside if weather allows. No registration required.

Reach out to with any questions.

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Folk Jam: Live Music With SongFarmers of Hinesburg
6:00 PM18:00

Folk Jam: Live Music With SongFarmers of Hinesburg

Do you play an acoustic instrument or just love to sing along to old time, blues, country, and folk music? Come join the SongFarmers during their monthly gathering and participate in this wonderful live music offering. Listeners also welcome. Free and open to the public in the library’s community room, or outdoors as weather allows.

No registration required. Contact with any questions.

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Hands and Needles
10:00 AM10:00

Hands and Needles

Gather for a morning of creativity and conversation! Bring whatever project you are working on — quilting, knitting, embroidery, etc.

The program will meet in the library’s community room, though may meet outside if weather allows. No registration required.

Reach out to with any questions.

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Hands and Needles
10:00 AM10:00

Hands and Needles

Gather for a morning of creativity and conversation! Bring whatever project you are working on — quilting, knitting, embroidery, etc.

The program will meet in the library’s community room, though may meet outside if weather allows. No registration required.

Reach out to with any questions.

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