The Library Loves You

There isn’t a typical day in our library. Preschoolers hike down the hill to return books and search for new ones about the changing season. On the way out the door, they take cucumbers (grown by another library patron) as a snack for their walk back to the classroom. A three-year-old and her mother want to find more books by her favorite illustrator, so we search the catalog, then spend time on the floor of the children’s area locating her books. Folks come in to use the internet, print out paperwork, work a resume, talk about the weather, find resources to build a better backyard deck, and share book recommendations.

Your support makes these community moments possible.

It is rewarding to be able to provide a warm, welcoming space for our community, where we celebrate shared resources and the magic of lifelong learning. This year, we welcomed a fleet of bicycles to our non-traditional materials, and we continue to provide story times, summer reading programs, after school activities, LEGO club, educational talks, performers, and movies at no cost to our community. We rely on your support to continue to provide active programming, materials, and services that support our community.

Six days a week, we sort and shelve books, and the stories inside the paperbacks and hardcovers pass through our hands. But the other stories we get to share with YOU about what’s happening in your lives, your backyard, and the world around us, enrich us immeasurably. Your support and the affection people express for our library flows in both directions. The library LOVES YOU. We wouldn’t be here without your support, presence, and participation.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and for taking the time to consider us in your year-end giving. We appreciate your consideration, and are grateful to be able to share this space with you.


Beth Royer, Library Director

Jill Andersen