Curbside Checkout

Carpenter-Carse Library continues to be busy with curbside pick-up requests and browsing appointments.  We love seeing you when you come to visit!  To keep everything running smoothly, there are a few details we would like to make clear as the colder weather approaches and our ability to keep our windows and doors wide open diminishes.  The health and safety of our patrons and staff continues to be our priority!

  • Please make an appointment if you wish to come browse or use the computer.  We can sometimes accommodate spontaneous visits, but this is not a guarantee.

  • Appointments to browse will now be limited to 30 minutes. We continue to limit the number of people in the building at one time.

  • Computer use will be limited to one hour.

  • Please remember to bring your library card for self-checkout.  This makes the process much smoother.  If you cannot find your card and need a new one, please let us know.

  • Please do not enter any part of the building without a mask.

Any materials you place on hold from home, or otherwise reserve (by phone or email) will be outside on the black cart for pick up during our normal operating hours. We wrap items in a paper parcel with your name on it and leave them for you to retrieve.

Call us or email us with questions or requests: 802-482-2878

If you need to print something, you can email it to us and come pick it up from the cart out front (we will let you know how much the copies cost).

Call us anytime during our regular hours (Mondays & Saturdays 10-3, Tuesday-Friday 10-7) if you have further questions.

Stay safe, stay home, stay reading!