Nature-Based Play Series, Food Drive & Book Giveaway, Virtual Writing Workshop -- A Look at May Programs!

Here’s a quick glance at the adult programs we have planned this month — though it isn’t everything! (So be sure to take a look at our website program calendar).

WEDNESDAY, May 18th from 6:30 - 8 PM: “Nurturing A Child’s Sense of Wonder” Family Education Series

The second meeting at the library of Four Winds Nature Institute's three-part series to explore topics and best practices in supporting nature-based play and adventure. Even if you couldn’t make it to the first meeting in April, you are more than welcome to attend this one. Please register in advance by emailing Find more details in our program calendar listing.

SATURDAY, MAY 21st From 10 AM - 3 PM: Food Drive and Book Giveaway

Bring a donation for the Hinesburg Food Shelf to the library, and receive a signed “seconds” copy of local author Francesca Arnoldy’s picture book Map of Memory Lane — a story that gently introduces the topic of loss while celebrating the simple moments we share — as supplies last. There’s more information about the book and the food shelf collection, including suggested items for donation, in our program calendar listing.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 25th at 7 PM: Virtual Writing Workshop

Whether you consider yourself a fledgling writer or have been honing your craft for a while, join our virtual writing workshop on Zoom led by Geoffrey Gevalt, writer, editor and founder of the Young Writers Project. Sessions will last about 90 minutes, and will begin with a brief reading to help inspire participants, followed by a writing prompt and opportunity to share. Please email to register and receive the Zoom link; find more information about the workshop’s format in our program calendar listing.