Services Reminder

While we desire to remain open, we remind you the safest choice in this time is to request books and materials via curbside, as it minimizes contact with one another and it decreases the number of people in the building at one time.

As COVID case counts across the state increase and the Governor’s Office offers updated guidance, the Carpenter-Carse Library reminds you of current library rules:

  • No one with any COVID-like symptoms may enter the library for any reason

  • All people over the age of 2 must wear a mask to enter the library

  • All people entering must sanitize hands before entry

  • During regular hours, library visitors are limited to one group at any one time, with a maximum visit time of 30 minutes. Computer sessions are 45 minutes. If you need to print something, you can always email to us!

  • All materials returning to the library will be quarantined for 72 hours prior to returning to circulation.

We continue to monitor the state situation and ask for your patience and understanding.  We reserve the right to restrict library visits to Hinesburg & St. George residents only. We may also return to curbside only, depending on case counts, our neighbor library’s service models, and whether local schools have changed their operating models.

As such, our library schedule may change at any time and you can find the latest information here on our website and on our library’s social media pages.  If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us: 802-482-2878

We appreciate your support and your cooperation as we hunker down for the cold season. Thank you for your patience and understanding.